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Welcome to Space4Careers, the blog of the Centre for Career & Personal Development at Canterbury Christ Church University. This blog does what it says on the tin, it provides an opportunity for anyone who is interested in all aspects of careers work to find a little bit of space in their busy lives to think about current issues and trends. If you like or dislike, agree or disagree with what you see, please respond and let us have your views. We'd love to hear from you.

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Canterbury Christ Church University.

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Monday, 22 June 2015

CCPD in Europe and the Gulf

Anne Chant – Assistant Director of the Centre for Career and Personal Development

 This has been a busy few months at CCPD. In March three tutors and one of our doctoral students travelled to an ESREA conference at the University of Milano Bicocca. The conference was the ‘Biography and Life History’ part of the European Society for Research into the Education of Adults which explores the use of narratives and life story as a research methodology. It attracts researchers from a wide range of disciplines and from all over Europe and beyond, including South Korea, South Africa, Australia, Canada and the US.

The theme of creative expression was evident throughout and we explored not only the content and meaning of life stories but also the range of ways in which they can be told. This included dance, collage, fiction and poetry. Papers by CCPD staff Alison Fielding, Hazel Reid, Rebecca Tee and myself included topics such as:

·         The Teller, the Tale and the Told: re-membering and re-writing the self

·         Generations of strong women: the impact of social class on the educational and learning experiences of four generations of women.

·         Beyond rhetoric: moving toward transformative research with young unemployed people in the UK.

·         Using auto/biographical narration to understand the role of political inheritance in applied civics.

Later in March I travelled to Abu Dhabi where I spoke to the Gulf Education Conference  about a new model for career learning and development.  Schools in the region are very keen on developing career learning in schools and in colleges and universities as their labour market changes and matures.

We hope to work with partners in the region to deliver professional and academic training in careers work for those based in schools, colleges, Higher Educaton and in the work place.

Then in May Hazel Reid and I, as active members of the Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe, attended the NICE 2 conference in Bratislava. This brought to a conclusion the work of NICE 1 and NICE 2 that was presented at the summit in Canterbury last September and hosted by CCPD.

The conference in Bratislava explored ways in which the work of NICE on the professionalization of the sector and the establishment of competence standards for the training of careers professionals can now be established with in-country professional bodies; in the UK this will of course be the Career Development Institute.