CCPD in Europe and
the Gulf
Anne Chant –
Assistant Director of the Centre for Career and Personal Development
The Teller, the Tale and
the Told: re-membering and re-writing the self
Generations of strong
women: the impact of social class on the educational and learning experiences
of four generations of women.
Beyond rhetoric: moving
toward transformative research with young unemployed people in the UK.
Using auto/biographical
narration to understand the role of political inheritance in applied civics.

hope to work with partners in the region to deliver professional and academic
training in careers work for those based in schools, colleges, Higher Educaton
and in the work place.
Then in May Hazel Reid and I, as active members of the Network for Innovation in Career Guidance
and Counselling in Europe, attended the
NICE 2 conference in Bratislava. This brought to a conclusion the work of
NICE 1 and NICE 2 that was presented at the summit in Canterbury last September
and hosted by CCPD.
The conference in Bratislava explored ways in which the work
of NICE on the professionalization of the sector and the establishment of
competence standards for the training of careers professionals can now be
established with in-country professional bodies; in the UK this will of course
be the Career Development Institute.