Welcome to Space4Careers

Welcome to Space4Careers, the blog of the Centre for Career & Personal Development at Canterbury Christ Church University. This blog does what it says on the tin, it provides an opportunity for anyone who is interested in all aspects of careers work to find a little bit of space in their busy lives to think about current issues and trends. If you like or dislike, agree or disagree with what you see, please respond and let us have your views. We'd love to hear from you.

Please note, the content of this blog represents the views of the individual blogger, not those of

Canterbury Christ Church University.

View the website for the Centre for Career and Personal Development

Thursday, 15 July 2010

A Bridge to a brighter future

At the end of June I was fortunate enough to travel to San Francisco to take part in the IAEVG Symposium in the Hyatt Regency Hotel at Embarcadero.  Before the event I was asked to choose which themed group I would like to participate in, and I chose “New International Constructs for the 21st Century”.  So, on Monday 28th June I took part in a discussion group, which involved sitting with a group of 15 people from all round the world discussing new and emerging theoretical approaches. A whole day discussing theory? What a treat!

The following day there was a round table event – again this was new to me.  The event took place in a large room with 29 round tables (literally). At each table, an individual presented their work related to one of the themes.  We were asked to make the sessions interactive and to encourage discussion.  Each session lasted for 30 minutes, at which point the convenor announced that it was time for participants to move to another table.  After another 30 minutes the groups changed again.  At my table (number 3) I presented what I now tend to refer to as “The Bridge Model”.  Having three opportunities to share my work was great.  I’m also glad to say that people came to my table (!) and the work was very well received.

If you would like to read more about the bridge model, please click on the title of this blog to open the link.

Needless to say, I didn’t go to San Francisco for a day and a half!  Afterwards we had a fantastic holiday - now I’m back and coping with jet lag – can’t really complain about that though, can I?!
Barbara Bassot

1 comment:

  1. Hi Barbara
    As I'm still working on the Connexions Portfolio for the ACCP and in the process of transfering from Intensive Support to Guidance - I really found the CLD approach to be interesting, although i am going to have to read it again. I found the IAG problems particularly interesting and may explain why some young people I have spoken to before did not find their careers interviews to be helpful; if they were expecting IAG they are often confused when they are instead challenged on their choices and shown other alternatives.

    The bridge is a good metaphor and if the schools implement good careers education then I can see that good foundations are in place for the bridge to be built upon.
