Welcome to Space4Careers

Welcome to Space4Careers, the blog of the Centre for Career & Personal Development at Canterbury Christ Church University. This blog does what it says on the tin, it provides an opportunity for anyone who is interested in all aspects of careers work to find a little bit of space in their busy lives to think about current issues and trends. If you like or dislike, agree or disagree with what you see, please respond and let us have your views. We'd love to hear from you.

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Canterbury Christ Church University.

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Friday, 10 February 2012

Centre for Career and Personal Development academic is Keynote speaker at Australian Conference

Jane Westergaard, Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Career and Personal Development flew to the other side of the world recently to give a keynote speech at an international conference entitled:  “My Career, My Community”. 

Jane Westergaard

Held at the University of Ballarat, in SE Australia, the conference was hosted by the Careers Education Association of Victoria and Jane was invited after they heard her speak in Bangalore, India the previous year.

Jane‘s specialist area is personal learning and development through group work.  This is a new concept in Australia and the large audience of careers teachers and advisers were keen to know more about this area of our work in the UK.  Jane gave a Masterclass, spoke in several seminars and facilitated workshops on this topic, helping explain and illustrate its practice.
“It was fascinating to find out about the way careers work is handled in Australia”, said Jane.  “I was made very welcome and the audience at the conference was extremely keen to try out all the group work ideas I shared with them.” 

Rebecca Tee

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